Thursday 10 March 2016

The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards

After realising that Sooz needed help getting her business off her kitchen table, Business Gateway put her in touch with Interface. If you ever wondered how to get started, read Sooz's blog for some inspiration:

Interface is a company who help businesses with the creation and development of new products, services and processes by connecting them to the right academic expertise in Scotland. When applying for an innovation voucher of £5000, from the Scottish Funding Council, Interface helped Sooz through the process. From that day on Interface has done nothing but help the development of SanSooz.

Due to the healthy nature of the relationship, Interface approached Sooz to be an ambassador back in November 2015. As an ambassador Sooz was asked to host her own workshop at the Scottish Knowledge Awards in Edinburgh to share her entrepreneurial journey of collaboration with academia, which she agreed to without question. With over 300 people celebrating business and academic partnerships at the event, we were pleased to have a full house at SanSooz's workshop. Sooz's presentation received exceptional feedback from the attendees.  

Alina Uberman, Marketing Executive at Interface, said: "Sansooz's presentation was absolutely fantastic and I am delighted to have received such positive feedback from the attendees. Sansooz products are aimed to save lives worldwide and we are thrilled to be working with SMEs which develop such innovative products, which could have a big impact on society. Sansooz is one business to watch in future."

Although Sooz was nominated for an award she sadly missed out this year, it was greatly deserved by those who did win and Sooz can now aspire to their success. The whole process has inspired SanSooz to come back next year even bigger and better.

Sooz deemed this event to be a major success as it provided the company with the opportunity to showcase its products for the first time. On top of this it allowed Sooz to network with a variety of highly regarded figures which she hopes to stay in contact with in the near future. Sooz would like to personally thank Interface for hosting the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards and allowing her to share her inspirational journey so far. Sooz would also like to thank those who attended her workshop, making it a worthwhile trip to the capital.

You can read the full case study here:   and in case you missed it you can see the highlights from the Scottish Knowledge Exchange on Storify:

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