Wednesday 16 March 2016

SanSooz Products, Then and Now.

The products of SanSooz have come on leaps and bounds since Sooz’s initial idea in 2010. What started as a vision of fashionable, reflective clothing and accessories soon became a reality. Let’s start from the beginning…

Six years ago Sooz Chirino had a product idea that could potentially save the lives of many worldwide, an idea that had never been seen before. Following numerous cases of trial and error and sleepless nights, Sooz created the concept for a new range of products. She got to work, putting her ideas down on paper, starting with her cartoon drawings of her first children’s designs. SanSooz was originally developed to keep children safe, seen and stylish on our roads with highly reflective clothing and accessories.

Her initial sketches were developed further and brought to life within the comfort of her own home. Sooz’s kitchen table became her studio as she began testing different reflective technologies. Her reflective samples were then tested on various fabrics and materials to determine what worked best.

After receiving a £5000 innovation voucher from Scottish Funding Council with the help from Interface, Sooz received help from lecturers of Duncan and Jordanstone. With the help of the lecturers they got to work developing reflective fabrics for the first boys and girls SanSooz collection.

Following the development of the kid’s range, Sooz soon realised that there was a demand in the market for products which combine function and fashion to keep people visible at night. Before long Sooz was in discussions with numerous audiences such as cyclists, dog lovers, joggers and general commuters. Sooz decided to develop a commuter’s range which could be worn by those who cycle or walk to work.

Sooz created technical drawings for the children and commuter range of clothing. These along with specific materials and illustrations were sent to her manufacturer for the development of initial prototypes. The commuter jacket prototype was the first to arrive, this was handed to a more than willing volunteer for wearer trials. The general feedback was great however a few adaptions were needed, Sooz took this feedback on board and began to further the development of her range.

As always Sooz continues her hard work, creating more intricate and exciting designs. She is hopeful that her online shop and products will be available to buy before the clocks change back and the darker nights roll in. Look out for her first collections, coming soon in 2016.

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