Wednesday 23 March 2016

SanSooz Offers a Solution

Each year hundreds if not thousands of pedestrians die on roads across the UK.  Not many days go by when you don’t hear the sirens of an emergency vehicle, including police, fire and ambulance most likely attending the scene of a road accident.

More than half of all road deaths happen after dark. It comes as no surprise that pedestrians are three to seven times more vulnerable in the dark than in the daylight. This is mainly due to drivers not being able to see pedestrians because of poor visibility at night where it becomes more difficult to identify shapes and other road users. “In darkness it is harder to judge speed and distance and objects can be closer than they appear or travelling faster than first expected.” –The royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.   

Ask yourself, are you visible to drivers when out and about in the dark? Are you Seen At Night?

SanSooz has identified the severity of safety on roads at night when visibility, by all road users, is seriously reduced and has discovered an innovative solution. SanSooz has created fashionable, reflective clothing that not only looks good but also does good.  Using breakthrough fashion technology combined with our fashion design will transform the way you feel about wearing highly reflective clothing; by giving it a unique and stylish twist. Our process incorporates shaped and coloured reflective elements into the design of each product, these elements become highly visible at night when subjected to direct light. Our products keep you fashionable by day and highly reflective at night giving drivers those vital seconds to see the pedestrian before it’s too late. 

With your help we can make the difference. We are continuing the SanSooz journey with a crowdfunding campaign enabling us to raise the funds we need to launch our innovative and unique products. We are hopeful that, with the funds raised, our products will be available for you to buy before the clocks change back and the darker nights roll in. SanSooz products will be available to buy on our brand new e-commerce website where the products featured will be easily accessible and quick to buy with just a click of a button. SanSooz aims to keep you, your family and your friend’s safe, seen and stylish with SanSooz reflective clothing. 

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